If, when you try to launch the Skype application, a system message appears on the screen about a problem that has arisen, accompanied by a link to account.live.com, this means the user account has been blocked. This material contains a description of how to remove the blockage depending on the cause of the difficulty.

How to restore access

You should not worry too much when a warning appears about your Skype profile being blocked. This situation may arise due to a misunderstanding, in which case unblocking the account will not be difficult.

A ban on access to an account may be due to one of the following reasons:

Logging into your account from an unusual place.
Entering the wrong password multiple times.
Received complaints about spam being sent from this account.
Violation of user agreement with Microsoft.

To regain access to your profile, you need to perform the following series of actions:

https://101info.ru/account-live-com-ska … to-poshlo/

Inside the window that appears, type your user login.
Enter your password.
Go to your profile.
Read information about rule violations.
Click the “Next” command.
Inside the window that appears, dial the subscriber's phone number in international format (with country code).
Wait for the verification code to arrive.
Send the received identification code to the system.
Wait for the message about deactivating the blocking and continue working in the messenger.
To continue using the service safely, it is better to change your password. To do this you need:

Click on the three dots symbol in the panel on the left side of the screen to go to settings.
Open the “Account and Profile” block.
Go to “My Profile”.
After opening the browser page, press the “Change password” button.
Write the outdated access code, then enter the new secret combination of characters twice.